Power Up Fall Fitness Workouts: Why the Right Preparation Makes All the Difference

By Leo Shveyd, Co-Owner of Advanced Wellness

Great training sessions comes down to preparation and execution.  In fact, preparing is just as important, if not more so, than executing when it comes to training.

How Does One Best Prepare for Training Sessions to Maximize Performance and Results?

Like most thing in life, having a proven system, that you have tested and you know works for YOU, is the answer.  Once you have identified the appropriate components to include when getting ready to train, you can virtually guarantee that you will have a great training session, every time.

At Advanced Wellness, we recommend 6 fitness tips to consider when preparing for your workout: 

  • Set process-driven goals around consistency plus intensity
  • Pay attention to breathing
  • Get enough sleep
  • Hydration and nutrition matter
  • Stick to your workout schedule
  • Rest and reflect

#1: Set Process-Driven Goals for your Workout and Aim for Consistency vs Intensity

When you set your goals for your workout, you need to break these down according to specific timeframes. For example, consider macro goals in a 30 to 90-day time period, while micro goals can apply to a given day.  Focusing on a process (i.e. train three times per week) versus a result (i.e. lose 15 pounds in 3 months) typically leads to better outcomes.  For example, a process-based macro goal could entail executing 40 training sessions in a 90-day period, while a micro goal would have you executing today’s session.  Goals don’t need to be extravagant. Simple processes that are executed well is what brings about desired results.  Many micro goals contribute to a macro goal, ultimately leading to the results that you desire.  I read a study once where two groups executed the same 100 hundred training sessions.  Group one trained 5 days a week for 20 weeks.  Group two trained 2 days a week for 50 weeks.  Both groups did the exact same 100 workouts.  Of the two groups, group two outpaced group 1 in all categories (i.e. body fat lost, strength gains, etc.).  The moral is consistency beats intensity every time!  Be consistent.

#2: Pay Attention to Breathing

Accomplished athletes pay a lot of attention to breathing techniques. Breathing through your nose and into your belly will help your body stay balanced and optimize recovery.  Being conscious of your breath, meaning you check in with your breath throughout the day, will help you get ready for a great workout.

#3: Get Enough Sleep Before Your Workout

Sleep is a critical component to recovery.  Seven to nine hours is recommended for most active people, while eight to ten plus hours is advisable for athletes in training.

#4: Hydrate & Eat Well

While no one can tell you exactly how much water you should drink per day because it varies based on many factors (activity level, temperature, etc.), the best guide that I have come across is drink half your body weight in ounces per day (i.e. if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of water). Note however that this number should be adjusted up based on how much sleep you have gotten.

#5: Schedule Your Workouts and Stick to that Schedule

Knowing that your workouts are sacred and take priority within your lifestyle is critical.  Without a firm time-commitment, “life” will inevitably happen.  So, put your weekly workouts on your schedule by Sunday night and try to stay on time. If life gets in the way, just try to reschedule things so you can still execute them at some point during the week.

#6: Take Time to Reflect

Part of preparing for your next workout is reflecting on your last one.   Communicate both with yourself and with your coach.   Don’t be afraid to ask “why?” Right or wrong, having a reason for everything you do is important.   Identifying possible areas for improvement allows you to make adjustments for the upcoming sessions and beyond.

So again, put time and effort into the preparation which comes in advance of your workouts. You’ll maximize your performance and see better results over time. Preparation allows you to recover faster, allowing you to train harder without over taxing your body…and this earns you the right to do it all over again!